Due to the overload work that i had in the office i think that im having some kind of memory lost. I tend to be forgetful almost all of the time. Sometimes i even give the wrong info to my boss. My boss must be really pelik when i keep giving her the wrong info. Like yesterday for instead, me and hubby went home for lunch, just as we arrive in front of my house i suddenly remember that i left the key in my handbag in the office. How stupid is that??
The preparation for the graduation is going on smoothly. Me and my colleague manage to do 60% of the preparation already. Less than 2 weeks the big day will come. What i really like about our staff in Maxcel is eventhough we face some big serious problem but still we can have fun. Tease each other, laugh together like a bunch of crazy people. The innocent victim will be either our aunty or Josephine. Hahahaha...like they always say you need to have fun in your work. Cant be to serious all the time. Im to tired today, will go to bed early. 630 but I ngantok already. Yawnnn....
Miss my baby so much...windu lah mama ngan iman :-(
**The baby went traveling again leaving the mom all alone at home....
The preparation for the graduation is going on smoothly. Me and my colleague manage to do 60% of the preparation already. Less than 2 weeks the big day will come. What i really like about our staff in Maxcel is eventhough we face some big serious problem but still we can have fun. Tease each other, laugh together like a bunch of crazy people. The innocent victim will be either our aunty or Josephine. Hahahaha...like they always say you need to have fun in your work. Cant be to serious all the time. Im to tired today, will go to bed early. 630 but I ngantok already. Yawnnn....
Miss my baby so much...windu lah mama ngan iman :-(
**The baby went traveling again leaving the mom all alone at home....
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