
Monday, June 15, 2009

No Subject

Been quite busy with work lately. Kepenatan yang sik pande hilang. Havent got the mood to upload pictures from my sister's wedding last week. Tunggulah ada masa baruk upload kat sitok. Me & hubby become photographer. Just trying our skills in photo taking. Memang dah lamak minat tapi belum ada peluang untuk memiliki nya jak. Beside tthe tiredness & the bzness nothing else interesting happened lately. Oh ya, my parents datang lagik semalam. Emergency. Bapak pun niece was admited in the ICU kat general hospital. Diagnose with the Lupus Dieases. Still in coma since last friday gik. Kamek orang hanya mampu berdoa supaya nya dapat sembuh macam biasa. Insya Allah!! Since sik familiar gilak ngan penyakit tok so I did some research bout the dieases but the explaination is quite long so malas lah aku nak post kat sitok lok. Maybe esok I'll post something bout it just for our info. The parents went back this afternoon. Might coming again this weekend. Kesian kat mak. Penat nya kali kuang kuit dari bintulu ke sitok. Ngantok dah mata..ok lah. Nite nite ppl!